Selene really hates being tickled. Tickling causes hysterical laughter but also panic in her! Part 2
Product Details
Selene Part 2. When she signed the contract she knew that we would do everything to make her desperate. Honestly it was not easy to convince her but the great compensation and the possibility of receiving an additional bonus of 1200 USD convinced her to sign the agreement. Also, she gave up having a safe word.
In fact, if you don't beg, don't laugh and don't cry, you'll receive an extra prize of 1200 USD.
In this way we are able to publish only 1 video for every 8 - 10 participants, but at least this way we are sure that the girl is not acting!
She did her best to hold and not laugh, but there's nothing to be done; she's too ticklish, and she exploded in hysterical laughing.
About Selene.
The best girl we have ever tickled. The most ticklish girl we’ve ever met. All the spots on her body are ticklish 10/10, from her soft toes to her exposed armpits.
She is ticklish all over and she REALLY HATES BEING TICKLED. Tickling causes hysterical laughter but also panic in her.
Warning: This video is NOT funny. She hates being tickled!
Her worst nightmare comes true...
With a written promise of no physical harm and no nudity during recording, Selene has begun to embark on her journey to hell. No safe word. No safe word.